Police Helps Provide Clean Waters to Cianjur Evacuation Posts

2 December 2022 - 20:30 WIB
Dok. Humas Polda Jabar

Due to the earthquake that hits Cianjur a week ago, there was a crisis of clean water occurred on the region. This is because the affected region has no more water sources left due to the earthquake. This crisis could sprout new problems at evacuation post such as diarrhea, itching, poisoning and so on.

In Gasol Pusaka Village, police personnel and Local Water Company officials supplied clean waters to the refugees at the evacuation post.

The Head of Public Relations of East Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo said that the clean water supply is part of their effort in maintaining the health of the refugees at the evacuation posts.

“Health is the main important thing that should always be maintained, and clean waters is the one of the important thing that should always be provided to do so,” said the Head of East Java Public Relations in his statement on Friday (12/2).

Until now, the police continue to service the people at the evacuation post, be it searching the missing, providing aids, to giving trauma healing to the refugees.

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