Police Evacuates a Sick Woman at Babakan Renyom Village During Cianjur Evacuation Process

25 November 2022 - 13:10 WIB
Foto: Dok. Div Humas Polri

Police personnel and joint rescue team continued their evacuation process and search for the missing person at Babakan Renyom Cugenang Village. In their search, they are able to evacuate a woman, and the reports says that she was sick. She was immediately sent to the hospital to recevive medical attention.

Previously, the joint rescue team found two victims after police and National Search and Rescue Agency dispatched their K9 Bloodhounds to find the victims at Cijedil Village.

Currently, the total of dead victims of Cianjur Earthquake reached 272 people. Of those numbers, only 165 of them that have been able to be identified. The identification still continued to be carried out.

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