Restorative Justice Seminar as the Foundation of Fair Justice

6 December 2022 - 08:19 WIB
Foto : Dok. Bidhumas Polda Jambi

The Jambi Malay Traditional Institute (LAM) held Restorative Justcie Seminar at Shang Ratu Hotel Hall, Monday (12/5). The seminar, that was attended by the Deputy Director of General Criminal Investigation of Jambi Police, AKBP Puspa Aji, was expected to help the police, particularly regarding the cultural laws.

In a different place, the Head of Public Relations of Jambi Police, Commissioner Mulia Prianto, explained that the restorative justice approach in the police institution is part of the President orders, by issuing Police Low No.8 of 2021, that aims to give fair justice to the community. With the presence and aids of cultural community, it is expected to help the police works in the future.

“We have conveyed to head of resort polices in the region to visit cultural communities in their own respective areas. Even, we truly expect that the community can become the foundation for the community in seeking justice,” said Commissioner Mulia.

Commissioner Mulia adds that his parties always ready to help and support maintaining the situation in the area if needed in solving cultural issues. Restorative Justice itself is not a new terms for the Police. The method becomes the preferred approach, as said by the General of Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, in upholding justice and enforcing the law.

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