Mass Circumsion for the Children to Celebrate the 77th Anniversary of Mobile Brigade Corps

6 November 2022 - 14:50 WIB
Foto : ( - Kendari. order to welcome the 77th Anniversary of the Mobile Brigade unit, the Mobile Brigade Unit of North Sulawesi held a free mass circumcision for the underprivileged.

The commander of the Mobile Brigade unit of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Adarma Sinaga, explained that this mass circumcision was held to welcome the Anniversary of the Mobile Brigade Corps with the theme Faithful and Courageous to Serve the Country.

"We carried out this mass circumcision as a form of Polri's service to the community, which also was to to welcome the Anniversary of the Mobile Brigade Police," explained Commissioner Adarma Sinaga. He adds that the mass circumcision was carried out to help the poor, and in this program, there are 70 children participated in this circumcision.

The participants of the mass circumcision, which was held in the Hall of the Mobile Brigade Unit Command Headquarters of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, were also given gifts to cheer the children up after the circumsion.

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