Police and the Community Renovate the House of a Poor in Monterado

21 November 2022 - 12:04 WIB
Foto : Bidhumas Kalbar

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Bengkayang.   The Monterado Police, along with the Jahandung Village Government carried out social service activities for the house renovation of one of locals who lived in a miserable house. This effort was carried out as a form of attention and concern from the National Police for underprivileged citizens.

In this activity, Paiep’s house was renovated by the police and the local community. His house is in Monterado District, Bengkayang Regency.

"After I went to Paiep's house, it was true that his house was in bad condition. After seeing the house, I immediately went and told this to the Head of Police," explained Brigadier Suprianus when confirmed, Saturday (11/19).

Meanwhile, the Monterado Police Chief Iptu Edy Wuriyawan, who received the report from his subordinates, immediately held a meeting with Jahandung village officials. This meeting was held as an effort to provide assistance to Paiep so that his house could be renovated immediately.

A number of police officers, together with the village community worked together to reconstruct Paiep's residence. Iptu Edy himself is seen to directly help the renovation of Paiep’s house.

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