Police Provides Their Help to a Child on Longok Village

4 November 2022 - 16:36 WIB
Foto : (jurnalpolri.com)

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Jabar.  The Sliyeg Police, carried out charity activities by giving food supplies to a child with disabilities at Longok Village, Sliyeg District, Indramayu Regency.

Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, said that the charity was part of police's concern for people in need.

Meanwhile, Indramayu Police Chief AKBP M. Lukman Syarif, confirmed that the aid was given to Yusi (9) years old.

"This charity is part of our to Yusi, who has been physically disabled since she was a baby," explained the Police Chief, Thursday (11/3/22).

In addition, this activity is part of Precision Quick Wins which aims to support the National economic recovery.

AKBP M. Lukman Syarif, stated that during the charity activities, they also motivate and encouraged Yusi’s parents to continue to care for their children sincerely and be grateful for them, because children are the blessing from the God.

"Hopefully this aid from the Sliyeg Police can be useful for the family," he concluded, quoted from journalpolri.com.

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