Noken Community Development Continues to Intensify Cassowary Program in Yunat Village

15 December 2022 - 05:20 WIB
Foto : Dok.Polda Papua

The personnel of Noken Community Development of Nduga visits Yunat Village to held their Cassowary program. The activity began with reviewing the pig pen of Gay Murib, Tuesday (12/13).

Ipda Nus Korwa, as the Head of Community Development unit says that the visit was to ensure the pen is in good condition. Moreover, his party implored Gay Murib to maintain the hygiene of the pen.

“We would like to say thank you to Gay Murib who have taken care of the pen that we gave them, and i hope the livestock of this pen could prove beneficial for you and the others,” says Ipda Nus Korwa.

Meanwhile, the Head of Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations, Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, stated that the activity is routinely held by the Community Development unit to ensure the development of the pen.

“This program is also to provide an education to the community how to farm livestocks well. On the other hand, this program could also help them improving their economic income,” Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa said.

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