Helping The Disabled, Riau Police Prepared Prosthetic Legs, Wheelchair, and Crutches

13 December 2022 - 09:51 WIB
Foto : Dok. Polda Riau

Riau Police Chief, Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal held a charity activity by providing aids to the disabled during his visit to Rokan Hilir Regency, Monday (12/12).

In his visit, he had already prepared prosthetic legs, a wheelchair, and a crutches to be given to eight disabled people. Six of them received the prosthetic legs, while the two others were given the wheelchair and the crutches.

For the provision provided by the Police Chief, they said their thanks, as conveyed by Enjanderi Sianaga, a disabled who lost his leg due to an accident.

“Me, representing the disabled, would like to say thank you to the police chief for his gifts and concern to us,” he said.

Meanwhile, Brigadier Wiratno Lego Wibowo, a Rokan Hilir Police personnel who received the crutches after his broke his leg while on duty in securing Election Plenary Meeting in 2020, also says he was grateful for the gifts.

In response, Riau Police Chief is proud with what Wiratno did. He said that what he did is exactly the manifestation of Police Precision, a spirit that meant to give the perfect service to the community.

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