Fun Approach of Bripda Yairus in Teaching the Children of Kamuu District

25 October 2022 - 12:22 WIB
Foto : (Satgas Damai Cartenz) - Dogiyai.  The Noken Community Development Task Force, led by Bripda Yairus Magai, provides the children of the Kamuu District Police an educational program where they teach the kids how to count and read, Dogiyai, Sunday (23/10).

What’s interesting in this program is that Bripda Yairus Magai used candies in his learning method to attract the attention of the children.

Bripda Yairus said that the approach using candies is one of effective methods in attracting their attention and encouraging them to study more. He hopes that with this approach, he can provides an understanding to the children how to count.

“Our way is indeed a bit different with the usual teaching methods. In our way, we tend to give them more support and encourage their learning process so that they could quickly understand how to count,” said Bripda Yairus.

The Head Public Relations of the Cartenz Task Force, Ahmad Mustofa Kamal, said that those approach is proof of police’s concern in educating the next generation of Indonesia so that they would have a brigther future and have the cappabilities in developing themselves.

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