Due to the Increase in Fuel Price, Deli Serdang Police Distributes Aids to the Community

9 October 2022 - 14:07 WIB

Tribtanews.polri.go.id – Deli Serdang.  To ease the burden on the community after the increase in fuel prices, the Deli Serdang Police Security Intelligence Unit distributed provisions to affected communities.

The Head of Security Intelligence Unit of the Deli Serdang Police, AKP Syahrial Efendi Siregar, along with his personnel went around the neighborhood to distribute the provisions which consists of rice, sugar, cooking oil, and eggs to 100 people affected by the increase in fuel prices, Saturday (8/10/22).

He said that the assistance was intended for people affected by the increase in fuel prices in the hope of easing their economic burden.

"This social assistance activity is proof of the police's concern for the community in an effort to help fulfill the needs of our people," he explained.

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