Man Raped a Girl by Tricking Her to be Under the Spell of Curse

18 November 2022 - 18:38 WIB
Foto :  Unit IV of Ministry of Women and Children of Pesawaran Police Criminal Investigation Unit succeeded in securing HRT (46), the perpetrator who was suspected of having intercourse with AWS (18) who is still a student.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP. Supriyanto Husin, said that the perpetrator, who works as a farmer, tricked the victim by making her believed that she was under a spell of curse.

"The incident occurred on Thursday September 30th, 2022, at around 23:00 WIB. The suspect tricked the victim by telling her that she was under a curse," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP. Supriyanto Husin, Thursday (11/17).

He then continued that the suspect convinced the girl that to purify her from the curse, she must had a sexual intercourse with the suspect.

"After the incident, the girl told what had happened to her to her father, ISW, which happened to the local leader. Then, her mother reported the incident to the Pesawaran Police Headquarters," explained Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pesawaran Police, quoted from

After hearing the news, Unit IV of Ministry of Women and Children of Pesawaran Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately conducted an investigation and arrest the suspect in Hanura Village, Teluk Pandan District on September 10th, 2022, regarding the alleged criminal act of sexual intercourse against a minor.


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