Bogor Policewomen Brings Smile and Joy to the Children in Cianjur Rescue Post

23 November 2022 - 21:00 WIB

The policewomen from Bogor took part in helping the refugees on Cianjur after the region was hit by an earthquake. One of their service to the refugees is trauma healing to the children at refugee post.

“We are here to provide trauma healing to the children who survived the earthquake,” said Klapanunggal Police Chief, AKP Irrine Kania Defi, in one of her statements, Wednesday (11/23).

Irrine said that they invited the childrren to play along in hopes that they would forget what had happened back in Monday.

“During trauma healing, we invited the children to play heal their trauma from the earthquake or at the very least, we could have cured them from their boredom,” she said.

There are around 70 kids that are in the refugee post. While playing with the policewomen, the kids were also given small snacks.

AKP Irrine also conveyed an information regarding evacuation process in the field. “We also did a review and listed the number of refugees in the post. There is one victims that is still being evacuated after found under the rubbles,” says her in her statements.

The victim that is still being evacuated is Dudung (35) from Cibeureum, Cugenang District, Cianjur. When the earthquake hits Cianjur, he was eating in his living room.

“His wife and his children survived the earthquake while he was still eating in living room,” said AKP Irrine in her closing statement.

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