Police Sends Drones to Search for Isolated Areas in Cianjur

30 November 2022 - 10:59 WIB
Foto : Humas Polri

Tribratanews.polri.go.idThe National Police dispatched a special team to comb the isolated areas for people who still need services at the Cianjur earthquake, Tuesday (11/29). In addition, the Special Team will also use helicopter to sweeps in locations where vehicles cannot yet penetrate.

Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo confirmed that the small team used a helicopter from Water and Air Police. The team has also brought drone equipment to look for isolated shelters.

"The special team will immediately report the findings to the Mobile Brigade Command Post of West Java Regional Police Main Post. After that, the team will then move to save residents," said Commissioner Ibrahim Tommy.

The Coordinator of the SAR Vertical Rescue Team of Mobile Brigade Corps, said he was optimistic that the special team could provide more accurate information regarding the searching process. In addition, the team will continue to search for evacuation locations during the search.

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