Cianjur Polcie Chief Provides Logistics to Refugees in Cianjur

23 November 2022 - 20:44 WIB
Foto: DivHumas Polri - Cianjur.  Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Doni Hermawan, accompanied by his wife, the chairperson of Cianjur Bhayangkari, Ristra Doni Hermawan, sends logistics to the earthquak refugees in Cianjur at Gasol Village, Wednesday (11/23).

The humanitarian aid of Cianjur Police Chief in part of their concern and fast response to the tragedy that befell the people of Cianjur.

“The logistics that we have provided included nutritions for the expectants, formula milk, diapers, and other needs for the public kitchen such as rice, instant noodles, sardines, and mineral water and medicines for the refugees,” said Cianjur Police Chief.

In distributing the aids for the refugees at the location, the provisions was managed by the East Java police personnel in the field to be divided and spread equally to each tents and posts in Cianjur.

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