Lampung Police Chief Visits Posts During Ops Lilin Krakatau

27 December 2022 - 11:20 WIB
Foto : Dok. Polda Lampung

Lampung Police Chief, Inspector General Akhmad Wiyagus, alongside with Lampung Main Officials, visited Security and Service posts of Lilin Krakatau Operation, Monday (12/26).

Upon his arrival, he was greeted by Pesawaran Police Chief, AKBP Pratomo Widodo, accompanied by Pesawaran Head Ops, Gedong Tataan Police Chief, and Head of Pesawaran Intelligence Division and Head of Division of Profession and Security of Pesawaran.

Lampung Police Chief and entourage went directly to the security and service post of Pesawaran. They reviews the personnel preparation and its supporting infrastructures in ensuring the Lilin Operation is going smoothly.

After seeing firsthand the conditions on the field, Akhmad ordered his personnel to always give their best in providing service to the people who are going on vacation during Christmas and New Year holiday.

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