The National Police's Disaster Victim Identification Have Identified 130 Bodies

26 November 2022 - 08:54 WIB

The National Police's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team said that as of Friday (11/25) the results of identification of the bodies of Cianjur earthquake victims were 130 bodies.

The West Java Regional Police Head of Medical Unit, Commissioner Adang Azhar, said that 6 bodies had been identified. The six bodies were identified through both antemortem and postmortem examinations.

"Today, Friday, November 25, the DVI team managed to identify 6 bodies. The total bodies that have been identified to date are 130 bodies," he said.

Currently, there are still 6 bodies that are waiting for its antemortem data. Meanwhile, one body part is still waiting for DNA testing.

On this occasion, he appealed to families who still have missing family members to report to the missing persons complaint post at Sayang Hospital, Cianjur. This post receives reports from the public 24 hours a day.

In order to collect the antemortem DNA sample of the victim, it is hoped that the biological parents or biological children who are related to the victim can be present to take a DNA sample.

Meanwhile, AKBP dr. Wahyu Hidayati Dwi Palupi said that the difficulty of the fifth day of the identification process was that the victim's face was starting to become unrecognizable. However, this can be overcome by examining fingerprints and property used by the victim.

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