Special Detachment 88 Counter Terrorism Unit Deployed to Investigate Astana Anyar Suicide Bombing

7 December 2022 - 10:32 WIB
Foto : indozone.id

Police have deployed their Special Detachment 88 Counter Terrorism unit to investigate the suicide bombing at Astana Anyar Police HQ, Bandung, East Java, Wednesday (12/7).

Head Ops of Special Detachment 88 Counter Terrorism, Commissioner Aswin Siregar said that his unit immediately moved to the location and gathered all the info and evidence. He said that they still need time to determine the findings that they gathered.

“We will work fast in investigating the suicide bombing. But we still need time and we implored the people not to panic. We are working hard in disclosing this case,” he says, quoted from cnnindonesian.com.

Previously, Head of Public Information, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, confirmed the suicide bombing at Astana Anyar Police, Bandung. The explosion injured three police members and currently they are being treated at the hospital.

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