Providing General Session to Students of 2021 Sespimti, Sespimmen, and Sespimma of Indonesian National Police, This is the Message of Indonesian People Consultative Assembly

8 October 2021 - 22:28 WIB - Jakarta. Head of Indonesia People Consultative Assembly (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet), focused on transnational crimes that have been one of the three non-conventional crimes that rise significantly along with the crime towards country's wealth and crimes with the contingency implications that could disturb aspects such as security, politics, social, economy, and the unsettling public which happen suddenly and unpredictable.

In the 2014-2019 period, the transnational crime cases have increased by 300%, and the crimes towards the country's wealth also increased by 200%. As part of transnational crimes are drugs abuse, trans-economic crimes, and cyber crimes that rise drastically.

"Indonesia becomes more vulnerable towards systemic-type crimes. Interior security becomes more influenced by international dynamics. This is the important meaning of the existence of Education and Training Board of Indonesian National Police, as the institutional entity that becomes the place for the rise of high-quality and integrity Indonesian National Police human resources", the Head of MPR RI said during the general session for the students of the 2021 Class of School of High Staffs and Leaders (Sespimti), School of Middle Staffs and Leaders (Sespimmen), and School of First-level Staffs and Leaders (Sespimma) of Indonesian National Police virtually in Jakarta.

The general session was also attended by Chief of School of Staffs and Leaders of Education and Training Board of Indonesian National Police, Police Inspector General Rokhmad Sunanto, and the Coordinator of Widyaiswara of the School of Staffs and Leaders, Police Inspector General Coki Manurung, and the 30th Regular Education of Sespimti of Indonesian National Police, 61st Regular Education of Sespimmen of Indonesian National Police, and 66th Class of Sespimma of Indonesian National Police.

Head of MPR RI also appreciated the Armed Forces-Police leadership when assisting Covid-19 pandemic handling, especially in accelerating vaccination and encourage people to obey the Health Protocols. Until October 5, 2021, out of 208.8 million people as the vaccination target, Indonesia has vaccinated the first doses to 94.9 million people, or 45.6% of the target total. Meanwhile, 53.6 million people or 25.8% of the target, have been vaccinated twice.

"John Hopkins University even evaluated that Indonesia's Covid-19 pandemic handling is one of the best in the world. Even President of the US, Joe Biden, has invited President Jokowi privately to speak at the Covid-19 Global Summit to share experiences to the world on how Indonesia could handle Covid-19 pandemic properly", Head of MPR RI explained.

The former Head of Commission 3 of the Indonesian People Representative Assembly (DPR RI) that covered Law and Security also said that MPR RI, as the representative institution that represents Indonesia the most, because it consisted of DPR RI and Regional Representative Assembly, always support the government in economic recovery efforts, so the economic growth that once reached minus 5.32% in the second quarter of 2020 started to recover to -3.2% in the third quarter of 2020 and -2.19% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

"The signal of economic recovery started to show on the first semester of 2021 with some indicators such as economic growth, the balance of trade, foreign investment, consumer confidence index, retail sales index, manufacturing index, business activities survey, banking credits, and stock exchange. In the first-quarter economic growth returned to the positive way, even though still contracted by 0.74%. On the second quarter of 2021, Indonesia's economic growth skyrocketed up to 7.07%", the Head of MPR RI said.

Besides, the Head of MPR RI also explained that MPR has the vision as the house of the nation, the guardian of Pancasila ideology, and people sovereignty that got the mandate to internalise four nationhood conception known as the Four Pillars of MPR RI: Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Unitary State of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity).

"With the support of Indonesian National Police, MPR would always vaccinate the Pancasila ideology through the campaign of Four Pillars of MPR RI to all people's elements so that it could enhance national resilience and harder to be infected by values opposing the Pancasila", Head of MPR RI concluded.

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