National Police Will Study the Establishment of Regional Police in Three Papua New Provinces

19 November 2022 - 15:31 WIB
Foto: Antara/muhammad iqbal - The National Police gave a statement regarding the plan to form a new regional police in the three new provinces in Papua. Head of Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, explained that currently the National Police will conduct a deeper study regarding the establishment of the new regional police in the three new provinces.

"The Assistant to the Police Chief for General Planning and Budget said that in 2023 an there will be an in-depth study," explained the Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, quoted from, Friday (18/11/2022) evening.

The Head of the Public Relations Division also revealed that although there are still no regional polices in the three new provinces, the current police in the city will continue to provide security services.

"The personnel will use human resources from the resort police and sectoral police first while waiting for the results of a review of the needs for facilities and infrastructure, human resources, and others," concluded the Two-Star General.

As previously reported, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), the former National Police Chief Muhammad Tito Karnavian, inaugurated the three new provinces of Papua, namely South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Mountains.

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