RI Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Confirms Susi Air Pilot Has Been Taken Hostage

15 February 2023 - 10:20 WIB
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Tribratanews.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The ongoing hostage situation involving Philip Merthens, Susi Air pilot, has brought a sense of urgency to the Indonesian government, as the Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD confirmed the news of the hostage-taking in a press conference on Tuesday (14/2/23).

“The Armed Criminal Groups (KKB) is still holding Captain Pilot Philip Merthens,” he said.

In order to expedite the safe release of Philip Merthens, the Indonesian government is in constant communication with the New Zealand government to monitor the situation and accelerate the handling of the hostage crisis.

The Minister underscored the gravity of the situation, reiterating that civilian hostage-taking is entirely unacceptable, regardless of the reasons behind it.

He emphasized that the government will continue to do everything possible to rescue the Susi Air pilot with a persuasive approach.


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