Police Have Examined 35 Witnesses of Kanjuruhan Tragedy

6 October 2022 - 13:56 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Malang.  Until now, the investigators from the police have examined 35 witnesses of Kanjuruhan Tragedy, Malang, East Java.

The Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Dedi Prasetyo explained that 31 members of the police have been examined just as in accordance to the direction of the National Police Chief, Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

“Right now, Inspectorate of General Supervision of the Police have examined 31 members of the police as is in accordance to the direction of the National Police Chief. There are also several things that needs to be studied thoroughly,” explained the Two-Star General.

Inspector General Dedi also adds that the investigators have already did a meeting, led directly by the Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. In that meeting, the team have presented their progress related to the investigative audit team report from the Inspectorate of General Supervision of the Police and the Division of Profession and Security,”

He explained that in handling this case, it needs a careful, precision, and accuracy from the investigators. Procedures carried out by them must met with the standard of the investigation.

“The investigators have already conveyed to the National Police Chief regarding their measures in these recent days, such as examining 35 witnesses, both from internal and external of the institution,” said Inspector General Dedi.

Regarding the internal examination, the Head of the Police Public Relations Division stated there are few things that needs to be studied thoroughly.

“Thus maybe tomorrow I could have revealed the information about progress to you, both from the investigative audit team by from the Inspectorate of General Supervision of the Police or the Division of Profession and Security, and also from the investigation team,” he concluded.

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