Death of Prominent Terrorist Figure Marks the End of Poso Terrorist Hunt

1 October 2022 - 18:01 WIB - Poso  Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi stated that the hunt for terrorist groups in Poso District ended after Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru was shot in the plantation area of Kilometer 13, Kawende Village, Poso Pesisir Utara District.

"As I said before that there was only one wanted person left, and hopefully this is the last day of press release related to the terrorist group and marks the end of the MIT group," said the Central Sulawesi Police Chief, Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi, during a press conference at Pos Kotis Madago Raya, Friday (9/30).

The head of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police confirmed that the person that was shot by the Sogili Team or Densus 88 was Ikhwarisman alias Zait alias Pak Guru, whose an important figure of Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT). Currently, his body is in the Bhayangkara Hospital in Palu.

In addition, 25 pieces of evidence were found, including a pistol, dozens of bullets, and three Molotov cocktails.

"We confirmed that the one who got shot is Pa Guru alias Askar," explained the two-star general of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police.

The Central Sulawesi Police Chief hopes that with the end of Pak Guru, Poso Regency will become more peaceful, safe, and conducive. The former West Java Regional Police Chief said that the journey of Pak Guru started in 2011 when he joined the group with Santoso and Daeng Koro in gathering at Tamanjeka.

While there, they planned their strategies, practiced, gathered around, and called all symphatizer throughout Indonesia.

"His first job was to kill two members of the Poso Police when they were in Tamanjeka, and then carry out other activities at several crime scenes around Poso, Parimo, and Sigi," explained the chief of Central Sulawesi Police.

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