NTT Police Chief Suggest Not to Chase Traffic Violators to the Alley

12 November 2022 - 12:04 WIB
Foto : ( - Kupang. East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police Chief Inspector General Johanis Asadoma, forbade members of the Traffic Police from chasing motorists who disobey traffic into the alley.

"If there is a violation, there is no need to chase it into the alleys. There is no need to do that," said the NTT Police Chief, quoted from Republika, Thursday (11/10/22).

This statement was conveyed when he was giving his directions to hundreds of personnel in the NTT Police Headquarters field who are also police personnel involved in securing the G20 Summit in Bali.

The NTT Police Chief explained that if there are motorbike drivers violated the law, there was no need to pursue them to the alley, because it would only endanger other people. "We would catch them for sure later if they do it again," said Inspector General Johanis.

He reminded his personnel not to chase the violators to the alley like those in the movies. The main focus of police officer is to give their best service to the community.

“Don’t do things that would instead stain our reputation in the public eyes,” said the police chief.

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