Inspector General Fadil Aims to Regain Public Trust through Breakthrough

19 October 2022 - 09:09 WIB
Sumber foto : - Jakarta. Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran, gave directions to the Detective Personnel at the Metro Jaya Police. This directions is a follow-up of the President of the Republic of Indonesia directions to police personnel at the State Palace on Friday (10/14), so that concrete actions and programs can be implemented in the Metro Jaya Police.

According to the Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran, there are several program designs based on President Jokowi's message that can be implemented in the short term, including suppressing the number of violations or unprofessionalism by investigators. Among other things, is to eliminate negative assumptions inherent in the minds of the public towards police investigators.

"Such as, persecuting the SMEs, carrying out coercive measures without a solid basis and according to procedures, abusing their power, extortion, Intimidation and Violence in interrogation, being biased with one of the litigants to the point of destroying or ignoring the evidence,” said the Police Chief quoted from, Tuesday

The Police Chief hopes that the internal challenges faced in investigations can be bested. Thus, it is necessary to improve the quality of investigators, namely by providing vocational education and certification in the field of investigation.

According to the Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran, Police, as the front line in law enforcement in Indonesia, can be said to be the "living embodiment of criminal law". They are the ones who can translate Laws in the book into real action. Because the actions of the police must contain the truth of the law, not a tools of justification.

"With the scientific investigation approach, we will avoid various forms of intimidation, threats, physical and psychological violence, and carry out all forms of police action based on SOPs," explained the Two-Star General.

Inspector General Mohammad Fadil Imran emphasized that all personnel can minimize mistakes that occur from the deviant behavior of members in the field. In addition, it will also increases public trust with community participation through reporting and has a sense of concern for members with the community.

“Activate all public reporting accesses, both offline and online. In addition, regular and periodic evaluations should be made in a documentation dashboard to see where reports and status reports that have been followed up, which can be seen not only by the leadership but also by the community. Next, carry out intensive communication with the media about the progress of the cases that are handled regularly, and create programs and breakthroughs in perf

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