Eradicating Thuggery, Lampung Regional Police Arrested 140 Thugs and Extorters

20 June 2021 - 14:10 WIB – Bandar Lampung. Together with its Departmental Police, Lampung Regional Police are moving fast in conducting the instructions of Chief of Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to punish thugs and extorters in Lampung province.

During his explanation, Chief of Lampung Regional Police, Police Inspector General Hendro Sugiarto, represented by Chief of PR and Press Division of Lampung Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, said that Lampung Regional Police had arrested hundreds of thugs and extorters during an operation conducted on June 11 to 14, 2021. One hundred forty perpetrators are detained in 64 locations in Lampung. After further inspection, nine people continued to the investigation phase, and 131 continued to the educational stage.

"We will keep raiding thugs and extorters to provide safety and comfort to the public. We will indeed never provide any space for those thugs and extorters", Chief of PR and Press Division of Lampung Regional Police said.

Chief of Lampung Regional Police instructs all Chief of Departmental Police under the jurisdiction of Lampung Regional Police to release reports on thugs and extorters arrest. Reports or any information from the public, no matter how small it is, will be beneficial for the Police to conduct specific measures, either preemptive, preventive, or repressive. The identity of the thugs and extorters would be recorded in the Indonesian Automatic Fingerprint System (INFIS) database. If they are repeating the action, they will find a problem applying for the Police Record Statement because their criminal record is already there.

"Therefore, I appeal the public to help us in eradicating thuggery, extortion, or even some NGOs on behalf of a certain organisation, asking for some rewards under the guise of maintaining security", Chief of PR and Press Division of Lampung Regional Police concludes during statement deliverance in Lampung Regional Police Headquarter on Saturday (19/06/2021).

Suppose people found any thuggery and extortion action. In that case, they should report to the nearby police station or reporting through the 110 Police Call Centre (toll-free) or download the POLISIKU application and use the Dumas Presisi Pengaduan Masyarakat feature. The service is available 24 hours a day for those in need of police help, so they should never worry about thuggery action. Police now has the Dumas Presisi application and 110 Hotline service.

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