- Jakarta. Chief of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Inspector General Pol. Fadil Imran visited Tangguh Jaya Village, which is located in RW 01, Tanjung Duren Selatan Village, West Jakarta. Saturday (19/6/21).
During his visit, Inspector General Pol. Fadil Imran motivated his staff from the West Jakarta Metro Resort Police, Kodam (Regional Military Command) Jaya to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic situation which continues to increase in the last few days.
"I see what is lacking in handling Covid-19. There are several things that must be optimized in order to strengthen the 3 pillars of community-based. For example incresing the testing and listening to community input, observations of doctors from the Puskesmas (community health center) for the senior with comorbids as well as monitoring number of people undertaking self-isolation,” Chief of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police said.
The Two-Star General advised th entire community not to travel unless for urgent need, especially on Saturday-Sunday holidays. He also asked community to do the (sport) exercise at home, and to eat at home.
"I urge the people of Jakarta for this Saturday-Sunday holiday, to stay at home. Those who like cycling or perhaps want to eat [outside], they’d better stay at home. You should not go anywhere, if you want to eat [outside], you can order online," Chief of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Police explained.