- Medan. Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police Inspector General R. Z. Panca Putra S, led the Press Release on Narcotics Disclosure at the Labuhan Batu Police, Friday (06/18/2021).
In this activity the Chief of North Sumatra Regional Police greatly appreciated the performance of Labuhan Batu Resort Police in uncovering narcotics trafficking cases.
From this case, suspect with the initials NA (29 years old) was arrested and charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) Sub-Article 112 Paragraph (2) RI Law No. 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics and suspect N (42 years old) was charged with Article 5 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 2 Paragraph (1) letter c of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.
The evidence were 60 large packs of methamphetamine or 60 kg in weight, 2 (two) boxes containing 2,000 (two thousand) capsules / ecstasy pills, 1 (one) unit of Suzuki APV minibus silver with police number BK 1912 VS, IDR 92,000,000 (ninety two million rupiah), IDR 221,200,000 (two hundred twenty one million two hundred thousand rupiah) and 1 (one) unit of Honda Scoopy color motorcycle red black without license plate.
The Chief of North Sumatera Regional Police said North Sumatra Province has become one of the areas with largest narcotics users in Indonesia. Therefore, he mentioned we need to protect the North Sumatra area from the threat of the use and distribution of narcotics.
"I hope there are no more people involved in the use and distribution of these illegal goods because we will take firm action against the perpetrators, dealers and users of narcotics in North Sumatra region," the Two-Star General said.
The Chief of Sumatera Regional Police also emphasized North Sumatra Regional Police has declared war on Narcotics in North Sumatra region and he said the police need support from the entire community to protect North Sumatra area from narcotics users and dealers.