Jayawijaya Noken Community Development Teaches the Kids of Parema Village to Read and Write

1 October 2022 - 11:22 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Wamena.  Noken Community Development of Jayawijaya, along with Mobile Brigade Nusantara held SI-IPAR program by having fun and teaching the kids of Parema Village to read and write.

The Regional Coordinator for Noken Community Development of Jayawijaya, Iptu Made Sujana, said that their current students are children aged 7-12 years who are still not fluent in reading or writing the alphabet.

"Therefore, Noken Community Development personnel, along with Mobile Brigade Nusantara, accompany the children who are still not fluent in reading or writing by guiding them slowly so that they could understand it well," said Iptu Made Sujana.

Furthermore, the personnel in the field tried to increase the enthusiasm of the children by inviting them to sing so they would not get bored quickly and feel relaxed during the learning process.

Head of Public Relations of Cartenz Peace Ops, Cartenz Peace Ops Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said the program aims to improve the quality of education in the villages by targeting children who still cannot read or write fluently.

"In addition to improving the quality of education, the program also aims to get closer to the children and other communities so that they can properly accept us," concluded the Head of the Public Relations of the Task Force.

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