Firm Acts Against High Ranking Police Who Violates the Law Show the Unbiased Indonesian National Police

15 October 2022 - 16:22 WIB -  The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) praised the National Police Chief, Police General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., for taking severe action against members who violate the law, especially high-ranking personnel.

The arrest of Inspector General of Police Teddy Minahasa Putra, S.H., S.I.K., M.H. in connection with drug trafficking was announced by the Chief of the National Police.

Dr. KH. Marsudi Syuhud, M.M., Deputy General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council, stated that the acts of the Chief of the National Police demonstrated that everyone were equal before the law.

"This is the first stage for proving that everyone is equal before the law," Marsudi remarked on Saturday, October 15th 2022.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council further praised the Chief of the National Police for his desire to repair the National Police so that they could be present in the community.

"I praise the Chief of the National Police for his ongoing efforts to enhance the institutions he supervises," stated Dr. KH. Marsudi Shuhud, M.M..

The nation will be powerful if the police force is strong. Even democracy will be strong because democracy can operate successfully when justice is preserved together.

Marsudi claimed that the rule is the state in principle. There must be laws that regulate because the state will fail if there are no regulations.

"There is no rationale for a state without regulations, hence I appreciate the National Police Chief once more for his decisive action in supporting regulations and justice." stated Dr. KH. Marsudi Shuhud, M.M.

Police Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Putra, S.H., S.I.K., M.H., was previously detained for a narcotics case by the Profession and Security Division of the National Police. Teddy is suspected of attempting to sell narcotics evidence.

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