Anticipating Radicalism and Terrorism, South Kalimantan Regional Police Visited Islamic Boarding School in HSS Regency

4 July 2021 - 12:57 WIB - Banjarmasin. South Kalimantan Regional Police held a meeting with Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of Islamic Boarding Schools Communication Forum (FKPP) throughout South Hulu Sungai (HSS) Regency at the Al-Baladul Amin Islamic Boarding School Hall, Tuesday (06/29).

Also present, Head of Security Unit of Sub-directorate of Security of Special Directorate of Intelligence and Security (Kamsus Dit Intelkam), Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa, Police Grand Commissioner Sasri Adijaya, Chairperson of HSS Islamic Boarding School Communication Forum (FKPP) Fahmi, Chairperson of Indonesia Council Ulama (MUI) HSS Muhammad Riduan Basri or Guru Kapuh, as well as administrators and teachers of Islamic Boarding Schools throughout HSS Regency.

The event was titled "Together with the Government and Indonesia National Armed Forces/Indonesia National Police, Islamic Boarding Schools as Fortresses for Entry and Development of Radical/Intolerant Knowledge and Pioneers in the Implementation of Covid-19 Health Protocol in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (Bersama Pemerintah dan TNI/Polri, Pondok Pesantren Sebagai Benteng Masuk dan Berkembangnya Paham Radikal/Intoleran serta Menjadi Pelopor Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan)".

Discussion and socialisation about preventing radicalism and terrorism in Islamic boarding schools were also held at the event.

In his presentation, Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa mentioned some important information, such as about Covid-19 cases.

Chief of South Kalimantan Regional Police invited the public to support government's activities against Covid-19 by participating in Covid-19 Vaccination program. No need for polemics whether this virus is engineered or artificial.

On that occasion, Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa also warned of the danger of terrorism, radicalism, intolerance.

“Main issue we raise is the anticipation of the radicalism in Islamic boarding school. We appreciate the efforts of Islamic boarding schools in HSS area, which are members of the FKPP, and are very concerned about dealing with radicalism," Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa said.

Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa advised Islamic boarding schools to be more selective in hiring teaching staff. This is intended as filter for today's young generation who are very easy to provoke.

In preventing radicalism and terrorism, Islamic boarding schools have very important role in providing understanding of Islam.

“Islamic Boarding School must be more vigilant in appointing ustadz and teaching staff. This is to prevent provocative narratives," Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa added.

In line with the presentation of Police Commissioner I Wayan Suwardiasa, Police Grand Commissioner Sasri Adijaya hopes every organisation need to prevent radicalism that causes intolerance and culminates in terrorism activities.

"Indonesia is in the 37th rank in terror threats. So let's create a conducive situation for the integrity of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia. All elements must work together to maintain public security and order," Police Grand Commissioner Sasri Adijaya said.

Meanwhile, Chairperson of Indonesia Council Ulama (MUI) HSS, Muhammad Riduan Basri or Guru Kapuh mentioned the importance of tolerance in anticipating the occurrence of new ideas that could lead to conflict.

He said, the higher the tolerance, radical is further away. “Terrorism is a latent danger. Invisible, but dangerous. The higher the tolerance, radical is further away. Tolerance meant here is, believing what we think is right without blaming other people's beliefs,” Guru Kapuh said.

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