Police Summons the Officials of Food and Drug Supervisory Agency to be Examined

9 November 2022 - 10:25 WIB
Foto : (pmjnews.com)

Tribratanews.go.id - Jakarta.  The Bareskrim Polri will conduct an examination to officials from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) who are considered responsible for alleged criminal acts in cases of acute kidney failure.

The Director of Certain Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto admitted that his party had summoned the officials to be examined.

"That's right, the summons has been sent to BPOM," he explained, quoted from pmjnews.com, Tuesday (11/8).

As previously reported, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has raised the status of the investigation into the alleged criminal element of the acute kidney failure case to the investigation stage. This determination was made after an open case was held on Tuesday (11/1).

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