Yahukimo Police Managed to Recaptured the Escaped Prisoner of Wamena Penitentiary

1 November 2022 - 15:01 WIB
Foto : Bid Humas Polda

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Jayapura. Yahukimo Police and the Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force recapture an escaped prisoner who was on the wanted list. The said prisoner, Yentinus Kogoya alias Kumis Kogoya, previously managed to escape from the Wamena Penitentiary.

Kumis Kogoya was arrested in front of the Himalayan Jewelry Shop, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, at around 07:47 WIT, Monday (10/31). He is suspected of committing a crime as regulated in Article I Paragraph (I) of the Republic of Indonesia Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal, confirmed the arrest of Yentinus Kogoya and said that the arrest began when the joint task force got a report from the people.

"After receiving reports from the community, the joint team then moved to the location and managed to arrests the wanted man," said Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal.

Kogoya initially retaliated when he was about to be arrested which prompted the security task force to shot a warning shot, which Kogoya ignored. This forced the task force to shoot the wanted man in his left and right knee.

“Right now, Kogoya is being treated at Yahukimo Hospital to receive medical treatment,” he said.

Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal explained that Yentinus Kogoy,a or also known as Kumis Kogoya, is a wanted man who escaped from Wamena Penitentiary in June 13th, 2022, along with other prisoner, Yaluk Heluka.

After the arrest, Yentinus Kogoya will be sent to Wamena district to be processed further.

“After the arrest, the situation in Yahukimo returns back to normal. People return to their daily activities,” concluded Commissioner Ahmad.

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