South Sumatra Police Chief: Mobile Brigade Personnel Must be Closer with the People

2 November 2022 - 08:39 WIB
Foto : ( – Lubuklinggau.  The South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, urged the Mobile Brigade personnel in their ranks to prioritize standard procedures in carrying out their duties.

“Don’t taint the good name of Mobile Brigade reputation. We should be closer with the community so that they would trust the police again,” said the South Sumatra Police Chief when reviewing the personnel at South Sumatra Battalion B Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Lubuklinggau, Tuesday (11/1).

The South Sumatra Police Chief said that Mobile Brigade's tasks of concern, such as controlling the Gegana Troops' Counter Terrorism Unit, bomb disposal, and SAR unit must be carried out in accordance with their main duties and functions. Then, coordinate with the police chiefs regarding the object, the target, and when they should be involved

"We have seen what was happening at the Kanjuruhan stadium. We should learn from that valuable lesson and that incident should never ever happen again" said the South Sumatra Police Chief, quoted from

He added that in dealing with the community, the personnel need not use any firearms, and said that if they want to help other personnel in other bussines, that said business should’ve still in accordance to law, not some business like online gambling or drugs trafficking.

“Illegal activities such as gold and oil mining should not be done. If we found any of that, we will definitely take a firm action against them. Remember not to tarnish the reputation of Mobile Brigade and whenever the community need us, we should always be ready," said the South Sumatra Police Chief.

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