Rangkasbitung Police Investigates the Findings of Unidentified Body in Cilangkap Village

18 December 2022 - 09:41 WIB
Foto : pmjnews.com

Rangkasbitung Police made an immediate move to the location where the community reports that they found an unidentified body at Ir. Soetami street, KM 05, Cilangkap Village, Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Saturday (12/17).

“The chronology began on Friday (12/16) around 19:00 WIB. According to the witness, Asep, he saw a body, a man entered a log factory. Then, he was seen to return from the factory around 20:30 WIB. Not long after that, he heard a commotion outside the factory, and there he saw those man who got hit by a car. The people tried to help him, and he was brought to the nearest house to be given help,” says Rangkasbitung Police Chief, AKP Pipih Iwan Hermansyah.

The man was treated by the people around the village, but when they asked his identity, he did not answered clearly. Thinking that he would be okay, he was left alone by the people after they treated him well. Then on the next day, on Saturday (12/17) morning, at 05:00 WIB, Rangkasbitung Police got a report from the community about the man who have died not far from the house.

Rangkasbitung police then immediately dispatched their personnel to the location. After they examined the body, the police confirmed that those are the man that the village treated prior night. Police found a wound in the back of his head.

“Officers then went around the village to ask around, and then brought the body to Adjidarmo Hospital, Rangkasbitung,” said the Police Chief on pmjnews.com.

AKP Pipih Iwan Hermansyah continued, that they found belongings to the victim, which area white sack containing rice, a machete, and two boots. The evidence currently are secured at the Rangkasbitung Police.

in Hukum

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