The South Tangerang Police Successfully Thwarted the Circulation of 16 Kg Methamphetamine

1 November 2022 - 08:27 WIB
Foto : ( - Tangerang. The South Tangerang Police managed to thwart the circulation of 16 kg of methamphetamine, along with the two couriers with the initials of MF and HK, who deliver the drugs from Malaysia through Riau Islands. The perpetrator is known to be part of a Malaysian drug network that plans to distribute the drugs to the Jakarta and Tangerang by sea.

South Tangerang Police Chief AKBP Sarly Sollu said the smuggling began with the arrest of a drugs user in early October 2022 with the initials of RW in Bekasi. From RW, the police found 500 grams of crystal methamphetamine as evidence.

"From the information that we got from RW, our officers then moved to Riau and arrested two suspects with the initials MF and HK. From the hands of the two suspects, the police also confiscated a number of evidences, such as a car, two suitcases, two backpacks, and two cell phones," explained the South Tangerang Police Chief, as reported by, Monday (10/31).

Then the police develop the case and visited the perpetrator's house in the Riau Islands and found 11 plastic tea bags containing the same drugs with a total weight of 11 kilograms and said that this item is from Malaysia. Currently, the police is still developing the case.

"For the actions of MF and HK, they are charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) Sub 112 Paragraph (2) of Law 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum imprisonment of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years and a minimum fine of IDR 1 billion and a maximum of IDR 10 billion," concluded the South Tangerang Police Chief.

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