Police Examined a Bajaj Driver Who Drove the Kidnapper and the Kidnapped

19 December 2022 - 12:43 WIB
Foto: Kompas.com

The police have questioned the bajaj driver for clues in the kidnapping case of a 6-year-old boy named Malika Anastasya in Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. The driver was investigated for taking the victim around the kidnapping location.

"In the meantime, we have only examined the victim's parents and the bajaj driver as witnesses," explained Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner Komarudin, quoted from Tribunnews, Sunday (12/18).

From the results of examining the bajaj driver, investigators had traced the places and roads that the alleged kidnappers had taken after getting off the bajaj. However, not much information can be obtained from that search.

“The bajaj driver did not know who the perpetrators were. He said that the perpetrators forced the victim to get on the bajaj. He thought they were the child’s parents. He just earns a living by driving passengers to their destination according to the customer’s request. The kidnapper and the victim then got off in the middle of the road," concluded Commissioner Komarudin.

in Hukum

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