Jambi Police Raids a Rented House and Arrested Three Suspects for Using Drugs

11 December 2022 - 09:27 WIB

The joint team of Jambi Police raided a rented house that often used as a place for using drugs at Lebak Bandung, Jelutung, Jambi, Friday (12/9). In those raid, the police, involving their undercover cops, arrested three suspects who allegedly have been using methamphetamine and marijuana.

The three was immediately asked to held urine test at the location. They were left with no option but to follow the police to the police station after their urine test shows that they are drugs positive.

“They will be examined further by the personnel,” said the Head of Jambi Police Public Relations, Commissioner Mulia Prianto. He adds that the police have secured evidence of small clear plastic clip, suspected to be the methamphetamine package, and two Android mobile phones belonging to the suspects.

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