Bali Police Inspects the Two Hospital Who Refused to Treat Patients

23 October 2022 - 13:59 WIB
foto : - Denpasar.  The Bali Regional Police conducted an investigation into the alleged refusal by two hospitals of a patient that caused the death of a patient.

Bali Police Head of Public Relations, Commissioner Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto said his party examined related witnesses from two hospitals, namely Wangaya Hospital Denpasar and Manuaba Hospital.

"Investigation efforts that have been carried out to date are to make administrative investigations and carry out investigations at the crime scene, namely Wangaya Hospital and Manuaba Hospital," explained the Bali Police Intermediate Officer, in Denpasar, Saturday (10/22/22).

Police officers check closed circuit television (CCTV), especially at the time that corresponds to the statement of the reporting party, KS.

The examination of the parties involved in this case will continue with the agenda of summoning a number of parties, such as doctors, nurses, CCTV technicians, and the head of the emergency room.

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