Two Murderer of Pregnant Women Threatened with Capital Punishment

18 November 2022 - 08:05 WIB - Gunungkidul. Two suspects in the murder of a pregnant woman from Purworejo with the initials of RN (25), are threatened with a capital punishment. The two suspects with the initials ERW (24) and AA (37) were charged with the article on premeditated murder.

Gunungkidul Police Chief AKBP Edy Bagus Sumantri, explained that the two suspects were charged with two articles. Namely, Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder and Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder. They are threatened with capital punishment or life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years in prison.

"With pure intention in killing the victim, ERW tried to shove the victim. When the victim didn’t fall at the initial push, RN just said to ERW 'how come you are like this?'. However, after many attempts from ERW, the victim was then choked to death and rolled over,” said AKBP Edy.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Gunungkidul Police, AKP Mahardian Dewo Negoro, added that ERW had been planning to kill RN since Sunday (11/13).

"He had planned the murder on Sunday in Gunungkidul. Previously, in Gunung Kawi at the end of September, they went to Gunung Kawi to look for a shaman looking to bless her pregnancy, but in truth is that ERW was planning to abort the RN's pregnancy, but the RN didn't want to," he concluded.

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