84 Thuggery Thwarted by the Police of South Sumatra

4 November 2022 - 10:33 WIB
Foto : (Sripoku.com)

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Palembang.   The police continue to carry out their security operations and monitors the situations in the area prone of disturbances in the South Sumatra. The operation was carried out after many reports from the public about the large number of illegal levies around South Sumatra.

In the operation to response that reports, a joint team from Units II, III and V arrested 31 people suspected of being thugs in the cities of Palembang, Ogan Ilir, and Banyuasin, Thursday (3/11/2022).

Previously, the South Sumatra Police Team had arrested 53 thugs who were still roaming the city of Palembang, which makes the total thugs that have been arrested into 84.

South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, said the operation to was related to the many reports from the public.

"The activities carried out by the Sub-Directorate III of of Crime and Violence are related to reports of illegal levies or other security and public order disturbances," said the South Sumatra Police Chief, quoted from Sripoku.com.

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