Police Disclosed the International Drug Network Along with Hundreds of Ecstasy Pills

17 October 2022 - 13:01 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Starting from the disclosure of few amounts of Ecstasy pills, the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit managed to dismantle the international ecstasy smuggling network.

From the results of the disclosure, the police managed to secure as many as 101,355 Ecstasy pills worth IDR 50 billion along with marijuana and methamphetamine.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Commissioner Pasma Royce, appreciates the performance of its members, because this finding cannot be separated from drug abuse of a suspect initialed A, which was secured at the end of July 2022.

The police chief said that in this case, his party also arrested two perpetrators with the initials M (31) and S (40) who were arrested in two different places, namely six packs of 30,500 pink pills and 16 packs of 70,885 green pills. In addition, there were also 72.89 grams of methamphetamine and 46.35 grams of marijuana.

The Head of Drugs Investigation Unit of West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Akmal, added that the two perpetrators were used to smuggled ecstasy from Malaysia to Jakarta via Riau five times.

"They recruit, coordinate, and prepare everything from picking up the illicit goods to Jakarta," he said.

He continued that every time he picked up and delivered the goods, he could pocket tens of millions of money of Rp3 million per bag.

For example, from 22 bags that were secured, there was a cost of Rp66 million per courier. "We are still exploring the case," continued AKBP Akmal.

As a result of their actions, the two couriers were threatened with the death penalty for violating Article 114 paragraph 2 sub-Article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 and Article 111 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

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