Indonesian Criminal Investigation Unit Identified the Suspect of Acute Kidney Failure

20 November 2022 - 10:14 WIB
Foto : - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit identified CV Samudera Chemical, who supplies the raw materials for medicine, as suspects of acute kidney failure case and the investigators found 42 drums of Propilen Gilkol (PG) as the mix of liquid medicine.

The Director of Certain Crimes of National Police, Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto said "We found 42 drums of Propilen Glikol which allegedly contains Etilen Gilkol and Dietilen Glikol," he said quoted from, Saturday (11/19).

He said that the evidence was found during a search at CV Samudera werehouse. However, in their search, they didn't found the owner of the company and currently the investigators are still trying to search the owner.

The National Police currently is searching for the owner, who has the initials of E, around the area of Tapos, Depok City since Monday (11/14). "Yes, we are still searching the suspect," said Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto when confirmed. He continued that they didn't found the owner when conducting search at the company

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