The Drug Trafficker of Medan-Denpasar Network Arrested With the Evidence of 1 Kg of Marijuana

29 September 2022 - 20:53 WIB –  Three cannabis drug trafficker with the initials of PS, AT, and RZ, were arrested by Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP)of Bali. From the arrest, the police secured the cannabis that weights almost a kilogram.

“This cannabis drug networks we called the network of Medan-Denpasar,” said the Head of BNNP Bali, Gede Sugianyar Dwi Putra.

He explained that initially they arrested the first two suspects. From them, BNN confiscated the cannabis of 447,03 grams from PS and 15,6 grams from AT.

“This case involved two people, then the case continue to be developed and managed to arrest another suspect, RZ, where from him, we managed to secure 529,98 grams of cannabis,” he said.

Head of the Bali BNNP Eradication Division, Putu Agus Arjaya explained the marijuana case of Medan-Denpasar network was able to be discovered after gaining the information from the community. The Bali BNNP intelligence team then did the mapping.

Based on the mapping, it was suspected that there was a shipment through a courier service company or cargo company sent from Medan to Bali.

“The one who order it is PS, then after we examined him we found out about the another financiers, which is AT,” he said.

“These marijuana was commonly used by the youngsters and is widely used in areas that are a little cold, such as Ubud," said Putu Agus Arjaya.

PS himself was arrested on Monday, August 15, 2022, in Jayagiri Street, Kauh Sumerta Village, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City. While AT was arrested in Gadung Jero Street, Banjar Kutuh Kelod, Petulu Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency.

From the arrest PS and AT, the team then develop the case and able to arrest RS and confiscated 529,98 grams of marijuana.

in Hukum

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