West Java Police Celebrates the 2022 Santri Day by Opening a Fun Walk Event

21 October 2022 - 23:16 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Sumedang.  West Java Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Bariza Sulfi opens and releases 12 thousand students participating in the fun walk in commemoration of the 2022 Santri Day at the IPP field of Sumedang Regency, West Java, Thursday (20/10/22). The Deputy Chief of Police also took part in the fun walk with the students.

Reporting from www.mitrapol.com, West Java Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Bariza Sulfi explained, this activity is a form of synergy between the Police and students in celebrating the National Santri Day 2022.

The National Santri Day commemoration activity will be held from 20 to 22 October 2022 and will be closed with a Big Santri Rally at IPP Sumedang Regency.

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