Majalengka Samapta Unit Provide Provisions to the Poor in Argapura

19 November 2022 - 10:30 WIB
Foto : –   The ranks of Samapta Unit of Majalengka Police held charity act by handing over provisions to people in need in the Argapura District, Majalengka Regency, Friday (11/18).

The distribution of rice was led by the Head Ops Samapta Unit of Majalengka Police, IPTU Mardiyanto, together with the Argapura Police Chief and the Argapura Regional Military Command.

Meanwhile, Head of Samapta Unit of Majalengka Polie, IPTU Adam R Hidayat said that they will hold the charity activity in stages.

"Sharing positive things with others is what is important no matter how big or small it is," he said, quoted from

This charity act is also to show that the police is always with the community and will tried their best in serving them.

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