Cianjur Police Medical Unit Went Directly Treating the Sick

28 November 2022 - 07:58 WIB
Foto : Humas Polri - Every personnel who are tasked with helping the earthquake victims in Cianjur continues to do their best. One of which is by the Medical Unit of Cianjur Police who do the Home Visit activity by approaching the people directly so that they would be able to consult their health problems directly to the team. The activity, led by Ipda dr. Razi Attobari, was conducted in Limbangan Sari, Cianjur, Sunday (11/27).

“The Medical Team of Cianjur Police, till night, still continues to treat the victims that needs their assistance. The medical team has been sent since day-one after the earthquake occured,” said the Head of East Java Police Public Relations, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo.

He then explained that the Home Visit by Cianjur Police Medical Unit are conducted by 65 personnel. This medical unit has been sent after the earthquake occured and immediately tend to the victims who requires medical attention.

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