Indramayu Police Trauma Healing Team Continuously Provides Their Service at Refugee Camps

27 November 2022 - 11:00 WIB
Foto : Humas Polri

The policewomen of Indramayu Police carried out trauma healing activities for children who survived the earthquake at Gunung Lanjung Village, Cianjur, Saturday (11/26).

The Head of Indramayu Police, AKBP M Lukman Syarif said this was part of their concern for the children affected by the earthquake in Cianjur Regency.

"In their activities, they gave motivation to the children, singing together, and giving presents to the children after playing some games," he explained.

Other than providing trauma healing, the Indramayu Police also provided assistance to communities affected by the earthquake. "The distribution of aids has been carried out since yesterday and today," said the police chief.

The assistance included snacks, medicines, blankets, stationery, toys and others.

The Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations, Commissioiner Ibrahim Tompo said that trauma healing activities are carried out to provide assistance by consoling and having fun with the refugees to overcome their mental struggles such as anxiety, panic, and others due to weak resilience of mental functions possessed by individuals or children after traumatic incident such as earthquake.

“Trauma healing can be the right rehabilitation step for disaster victims to be able to heal themselves from traumatizing tragedies. The role of trauma healing is to be able to divert bad thoughts from disasters so that they won’t get dragged into grief and can learn from it.” he explained.

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