Improving the Lives in Papua by Educating Its Next Generation

20 October 2022 - 12:37 WIB
Foto : ( - Papua.   Papuan Regional Police personnel always pay attention and care to the educational sector in Papua, one of which is through on of the CartenzPeace Ops Program, called Si Ipar Program.

The Head Coordinator of the Ops, Ipda I Made Budi Dumariawan, said that in this program police personnel taught the children basic learning materials such as how to read, write, and count. He also stated that the children were quite enthusiastic in following the program.

"Children here are starting to read fluently even though not completely. There is still a long way ahead before they could show their real potential and proficiency which we hoped can help make a better Papua in the future," he explained, quoted from, Wednesday ( 19/10/22).

The program was held in the GPDI Agape building, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency.

Ipda I Made Budi Dumariawan explained that children who attend the program are those who have dropped out of school or have not continued their education to a higher level.

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