Warm Greetings and Smile to Secure Kuta Beach

15 November 2022 - 11:57 WIB
Dok. Divisi Humas Polri

Tribratanews.polri.go.id- Bali.   The scorching sun on Kuta Beach, Bali, did not dampen the spirit of patrols carried out by members of the police in security activities during the G20 Summit.

Patrols along the 4.5 kilometer shoreline were carried out from morning until later at 22:00 WITA, on Tuesday (11/15). This member of Samapta, Sabhara and Brimob also warmly greeted the tourists who were strolling around the beach.

Smile and warm welcome become the “main weapon” of personnel in maintaing conducive situations along the beach. In carrying out patrols, personnel did dialogical patrol to the tourist along the beach and it can be seen that the tourist are quite comfortable with the presence of security patrol unit.

The tourists were also aware of that the police were there to secure the G20 Summit. Some of them even asked if their country leaders attended the event or not.

Special Staff for the Head of Operations Puri Agung, Commissioner M Fachry said the presence of patrol units is to provide them with a sense of security and comfort. "If there are emergency situation that required our service, we will act upon it immediately and approach it humanely and strictly according to the existing rules," said Fachry at Kuta Beach.

He added that after the beach was closed at night, members then patrols using a vehicle around the area. This activity will continue to be carried out until G20 Summit is over. "Last night we carried out patrols and communicated with tourists, they were very happy to be noticed by members of the police," said the officer. He adds that friendliness and warm greeting of security personnel left a positive image to the tourists as they are happily conversed with patrol unit.

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