General Listyo Prabowo: Christmas Must Went Peacefully

25 December 2022 - 05:20 WIB
Foto: Dok. Div Humas Polri

The Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, along with the Admiral of Indonesian Military Army, Yudo Margono, ensures that Christmas and New Year Ev is safe. This statement comes when they visit GPIB Immanuel GPIB and Cathedral Church, Saturday (12/24).

In their visit, Indonesian National Police says that President Joko Widodo have instructed two top security agencies in Indonesia to provide security and comfort for fellow Christians.

"According to the instructions of the President, Christmas and New Year holiday must be safe and secure," says General Listyo in his statement during his visit to GPIB church, Central Java, Saturday (13/24).

He says that the cooperation between the Army, the Police, and related stakeholders will do their best jn securing places of worship or monitoring the traffic during holiday season.

Moreover, Police have also added another security strength from Community Organizations, including from Nahddlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and the General Police truly grateful for their willingness in helping. This only further shows how diverse and tolerant the people of Indonesia.

He also sure that a joint commitment from the government, security forces, and the community would guarantee the safety and smoothness of December Holidays

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